Welcome to Indian Nations Presbytery! We provide nurture and support for 44 congregations located in central and southwest Oklahoma. INP includes more than 10,000 men, women, and children seeking to serve God, church, and community together. There are two other presbyteries in Oklahoma: Eastern Oklahoma and Cimarron. Indian Nations Presbytery works with the Synod of the Sun in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

From pastoral care to discerning call, there are the friendly folks who see to the work of the church.

The amazing people who see to pastoral care, committee support and administration.

The 44 local congregations that worship as a faith community, care for each other and serve their local community.
Mission Statement
“Connecting, sharing and guiding, we rely on the triune God to empower and equip us to be a presbytery of faith, hope, love, and witness for the sake of Christ.”